Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving technique useful in many live emergency situations, such as cardiac arest or near drowning.
This technique is recomemmended when someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped.
The American Heart Association recommends starting CPR with hard and fast chest compressions, this thecnique can be provide it by someone trained and untrained with first aids, but knowing a couple tips:
It is essential to understand that life comes first, if at any particular moment, we witness extreme situations, CPR maneuvers should be tried and not stay out of the situation, doing so can make a big difference, since it can give a second chance to the heart or reactivate the respiratory reflex.

Here are some tips you must know:
- If you have not previously received CPR courses, avoid doing rescue breaths. You can cause lung damage by overextending lung capacity in your quest to save a life.
- Limit yourself to uninterrupted pressure and repetition
exercises on the chest of the person who needs help,
while trained personnel arrive.
- If you have already had previous training, focus on recording your pulse and breathing. These data are vital when the person is treated by the paramedics who are going to transport him/her to a nearby medical center.
Remember that before performing CPR maneuvers, secure the safe zone. Check if the person is conscious or not, ask him questions that keep him conscious and identify states
of confusion.
These measures are only in extreme cases, always prioritize contact with qualified personnel and transfer to a medical center that has the tools to stabilize the person who needs help.
Saving a life is everyone's task, one day it may be someone close to you, learn techniques that can be useful to protect your loved ones and any living being that needs help.
